You can have a satisfying career and a fulfilling family life.
Despite what society tells you, you can be a good mother and have a successful career at the same time.
In 2018 I co-founded Managing The Juggle along with Jo Alilovic to help women do just that.
We’ve published over 100 episodes of The Juggle Podcast, where we share practical advice and strategies for managing the juggle between a satisfying career and a fulfilling family life. We interview everyday career mum jugglers, thought leaders and employers to try to uncover what makes the juggle successful.
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We love to support professional women managing the juggle.

Strategies and advice for a satisfying career and a fulfilling family life.

We help you manage changes such as parental leave and return to work and flexible working.

Our keynote – How to Manage The Juggle – addresses the 6 keys to keeping all the balls in the air.